December 2023
Ailin Song, MD, MHSc, Rami Gabriel, MD, Omar Mohiuddin, MS, MPH, Diane Whitaker, OD, C. Ellis Wisely, MD, MBA, and Terry Kim, MD
Optometry and Vision Science
Automated eye tracking could be used to evaluate saccade performance of patients with concussion history, providing quantitative insights about the degree of oculomotor impairment and potential vision rehabilitation strategies for this patient population. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the saccade performance of patients with concussion history based on automated eye-tracking test results.
July 2022
Unger, Joseph F Jr., DC1,2
Logan University, Atrium Health Services
Saccades appear to be a reliable measure of brain dysfunction following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Four subjects were chosen at random having a history of traumatic brain injury and active symptomatology. Trauma and chronic stresses are potentially associated with certain distortion patterns of the pelvis and cranium in the Sacro Occipital Technic® Methods (SOT™) of chiropractic and Chiropractic Craniopathy.
May 2022
Hunfalvay, Murray, Creel and Carrick
Brain Science
Chronic low-level blast exposure has been linked with neurological alterations and traumatic brain injury (TBI) biomarkers. Impaired smooth-pursuit eye movements (SPEM) are often associated with TBI. The purpose of this study was to determine whether long-term operators of low-level blast exposure or high-caliber weapons use displayed oculomotor behaviors that differed from controls.
March 2022
Cannizzaro, Melis, and Laye
Frontiers in Neuroscience; Frontiers in Genetics; Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
The perinatal temporal window is a highly vulnerable time in which environmental factors, such as nutrients, drugs, infections, chemicals, and stress, experienced by the mother can be communicated to the offspring and produce lasting consequences on the newborn brain. Eye tracking is a non-invasive method used to understand these changes.
December 2021
Hunfalvay, Murray, Mani & Carrick
Brain Injury
Deficits in smooth-pursuit eye movements (SPEM) are often associated with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Eye tracking tests serve as a quick objective clinical tool to assess such predictive visual tracking. In this study, SPEM was assessed along circular, horizontal and vertical trajectories in adolescents with concussion and age-matched controls.
October 2021
Carrick, Azzolino, Hunfalvay, Pagnacco, Oggero, Arcy, Adbulrahman, Sugaya
A retrospective clinical review of pupillary light reflex. Results show differences in age, gender and concussion status.
August 2021
Carrick, Pagnacco, Azzolino, Hunfalvay, Oggero, Frizzell, Smith, Pawlowski, Campbell, Fickling, Lakhani, Arcy
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Provides practical clinical implementations that overcome inherent challenges related to dependence on a baseline. This article establishes normative reference data sets.
July 2021
Breitbach, Lawton, Warlick, Hunfalvay, Murray
Biomedical Engineering Society. National Science Foundation.
Combination of circular smooth pursuit assessment and neuronal activity in the alpha frequency have the potential to be a successful diagnostic tool for TBIs.
March 2021
Feller, Goldenberg, Asselin, Merchant-Borna, Abar, Jones, Mannix, Kawata, Bazarian
Journal of the American Medical Association: Neurology
Compares persons with and without concussion after the acute injury period. Classification accuracy of clinically important discriminator eye-tracking (ET) metrics. 6 eye-tracking measures that reflect slowed visual reaction time had a combined sensitivity of 77.8% and specificity of 92.6% for discriminating between the groups
December 2020
Hunfalvay, Murray, Carrick
Brain Injury
Examines fixation stability in pediatric patients with mTBI versus age-matched controls.
December 2020
Carrick, Pagnacco, Hunfalvay, Azzolino, Oggero
Brain Sciences
Head and neck position induced by statically maintained head turns is associated with lower stability scores than the standardized head neutral position of the mCTSIB in Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) subjects but not in healthy controls. Head positions of the neutral plane provide biomarkers that differentiate subjects suffering from PCS from healthy normal subjects.
November 2020
Hunfalvay, Murray, Roberts, Tyagi, Barclay, Carrick
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
Explains how the combined measurement of saccades, smooth pursuit, fixations, and reaction time represent a biomarker for differentiating pediatric patients with mild traumatic brain injury compared to age-matched controls.
January 2020
Hunfalvay, Barclay, Kelly, Roberts, Murray, Tyagi, Carrick
Examines vertical smooth pursuit test to screen patients with mTBI compared with age-matched controls.
September 2019
Hunfalvay, Murray, Tyagi, Denham, Biberdorf, Wegge
Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA)
[Conference Presentation] New eye-tracking technology, such as RightEye, offers an objective, reliable and quantifiable way of differentiating between individuals with different severities of TBI, and those without a TBI.
July 2019
Hunfalvay, Roberts, Murray, Tyagi, Kelly, Bolte
Examines using eye-tracking tests to measure horizontal and vertical saccades as a marker of damage to neural circuits associated with TBI.
July 2018
Lange, Hunfalvay, Murray, Roberts, Bolte
Optometry and Visual Performance
Examination of visual and motor reaction time in athletes, non-athletes, and those with concussion.
March 2018
Byrom, McCarthy, Scheueler, Muehlhausen
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
RightEye technology cited in providing reliable estimates of eye-tracking parameters.
June 2017
Translational Biomedicine
This case study examines clinical assessments and eye tracking to monitor patient change over time after extensive vision therapy from a suspected concussion.
RightEye technology is patented.
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