Identify Vision Tracking Impairments Impacting Learning

1 in 4 children has an undetected vision problem that interferes with reading and learning, often misinterpreted as disinterest, dyslexia, or ADHD. Seeing the letters on the traditional static eye exam is only one of the necessary vision skills students require.
The RightEye Reading Skills Module™ was developed to help:
- Record and illustrate possible deficiencies in reading and binocular vision issues
- Understand a student’s eye movements while they are reading
- Quantify reading comprehension and compare reading metrics against similar grade-level peers
Reading Skills Module Features
The Reading Skills Module records and illustrates vision issues that may impact reading and learning, and includes:

Reading Gaze Replay

Fixations & Saccades

Regressions & Return Sweeps

Gaze Disparity


Head Movement

Grade Level Equivalent

Normative Reading Profile
A Report that Quantifies, Illustrates, and Astounds

The RightEye Reading Skills report is a graphical, patient, and parent-friendly presentation of an individual’s eye movements and vision tracking that can help:
- Assess and illustrate possible deficiencies in reading and binocular vision issues
- Highlight reading metrics measured and compare against grade-level equivalent
- Communicate findings a student may have difficulty describing to parents and medical professionals
The Most Powerful Lightweight in the Classroom
The RightEye VisionTracker2 device is our research-grade, eye-tracking hardware included with subscription. The device is:
- The first office-friendly, all-in-one solution for vision-derived health testing, tracking eye movements and providing data to help you correlate them to health issues
- Portable, not much bigger than a laptop, works wired or wirelessly, and weighs in at less than 8lbs
- Non-invasive and can be administered by anyone in your organization in only 5-minutes

Accessible Anywhere, Anytime, from Any Device

The proprietary RightEye INsight™ Platform receives recorded eye movement data, in real-time, from the RightEye Vision Tracker and Eye Tracking Application.
This cloud-based platform:
- Analyzes and reports the data through easy-to-understand graphical reports designed to aid in the identification of visual tracking impairment.
- Tracks involuntary ocular movements, providing an unprecedented level of granularity.
What Customers Are Saying About RightEye
Don’t just take it from us, here is what a few of our customers think about RightEye!
Every day in your practice, you see patients with functional vision problems that affect their ability to read and learn—whether you know it or not. Simply by doing a better job of screening for these problems, a practice could potentially add reading services without any outside referrals at all.
Dr. Thomas Doud, OD
Hartland Eye Care