Foundational Archives - RightEye, LLC








December 2024

Frederick Robert Carrick, Melissa Hunfalvay, Takumi Bolte, Sergio F. Azzolino, Mahera Abdulrahman, Ahmed Hankir, Matthew M. Antonucci and Nouf Al-Rumaihi

Brain Sciences

Background: Eye movement research serves as a critical tool for assessing brain function, diagnosing neurological and psychiatric disorders, and understanding cognition and behavior. Sex differences have largely been under reported or ignored in neurological research.

July 2024

Melissa Hunfalvay, Takumi Bolte, Abhishek Singh, Ethan Greenstein, Nicholas P. Murray, Frederick Robert Carrick

Brain Sciences

This study aimed to identify when and how eye movements change across the human lifespan to benchmark developmental biomarkers. The sample size comprised 45,696 participants, ranging in age from 6 to 80 years old (M = 30.39; SD = 17.46). Participants completed six eye movement tests: Circular Smooth Pursuit, Horizontal Smooth Pursuit, Vertical Smooth Pursuit, Horizontal Saccades, Vertical Saccades, and Fixation Stability. These tests examined all four major eye movements (fixations, saccades, pursuits, and vergence) using 89 eye-tracking algorithms.

March 2022

Cannizzaro, Melis, and Laye

Frontiers in Neuroscience; Frontiers in Genetics; Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience

The perinatal temporal window is a highly vulnerable time in which environmental factors, such as nutrients, drugs, infections, chemicals, and stress, experienced by the mother can be communicated to the offspring and produce lasting consequences on the newborn brain. Eye tracking is a non-invasive method used to understand these changes.

March 2022

Warlick, Lawton, Breitbach, Hunfalvay, Murray

National Science Foundation: Biomedical Engineering in Simulations, Imaging, and Modeling (BME-SIM)

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBI) can lead to visual processing deficits, including decreased visual acuity, visual field impairment, eye movement dysfunction- including vergence, saccadic, smooth pursuit movements, and an increase in mental workload during visual tasks. The purpose of this project was to examine the relationship between brain activity and visual-motor deficit in participants with a recent mTBI compared to healthy controls.

February 2022

Murray, N. P., Trotter, B. M., Sandri Heidner, G., Herman, C., & Hunfalvay, M.

Book, Springer US

This volume explores the latest eye-tracking methodologies that help researchers understand the background, methods, and applications involved in these studies.

October 2021

Carrick, Azzolino, Hunfalvay, Pagnacco, Oggero, Arcy, Adbulrahman, Sugaya


A retrospective clinical review of pupillary light reflex. Results show differences in age, gender and concussion status.

June 2019

Bolte, Kubitz, Roberts, Hunfalvay, Tyagi, Murray

North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

[Conference Presentation] The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability of oculomotor behavior metrics in healthy individuals, to determine the normative values through cluster analysis, and to compare oculomotor behavior metrics by age groups in a suite of digitized eye-tracking tests.

February 2019

Murray, Kubitz, Roberts, Hunfalvay, Bolte, Tyagi

Vision Development and Rehabilitation (COVD)

This article discusses reliability and normative data across many of the RightEye tests.

July 2018

Lange, Hunfalvay, Murray, Roberts, Bolte

Optometry and Visual Performance

Examination of visual and motor reaction time in athletes, non-athletes, and those with concussion.

March 2018

Byrom, McCarthy, Scheueler, Muehlhausen

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics

RightEye technology cited in providing reliable estimates of eye-tracking parameters.

February 2018


Optometry and Visual Performance

This opinion piece discusses the use of eye-tracking in clinical practice, including benefits of such technology.

July 2017

Murray, Hunfalvay, Bolte

Translational Vision Science and Technology

The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of interpupillary distance (IPD) and pupil diameter (PD) measures using an infrared eye tracker and central point stimuli.

April 2017

Murray, Hunfalvay, Roberts, Lange

Vision Development and Rehabilitation (COVD)

RightEye DVA tests demonstrate strong reliability results